Ms. Fitness Article By Rita Wilds-From War to Wellness

1 12 2008

Cover of Ms. Fitness Magazine

Cover of Ms. Fitness Magazine

Article by Rita Wilds
From War To Wellness-An Article on Aaron Guyett and his company Innovative Results

From War To Wellness-An Article on Aaron Guyett and his company Innovative Results


Chirstin Pertel’s Week in Review 11/24-11/28

29 11 2008

Monday 11/24
YEA! New week. I wish I had a more time over the weekend that was not consumed by work (average of 21hours). The only good thing about it is (aside from the money) that I don’t think about food as much. The busier I am the easier it is. The worst thing I can do, is to be doing nothing, watching T.V., and make laps around the kitchen.
Total Calorie: 980

Tuesday 11/25
I’m house/dog sitting this week. Good times. I get extra cardio every day when I take the dogs on their walks (2, 20 min walks), and although the owners said I can help myself to whatever I wanted in the fridge and pantry, Its great that there is nothing there. The fridge is empty, and the pantry doesn’t have much of anything. The only thing that is full is the liquor and beer, But I’m not drinking, so its not even a temptation.
Total calories 1,085

Wednesday 11/26
Getting stressed. I’ve been alone in a strange house for almost three days and I’m getting a little cabin fever. I’m a very social person and having alone time is great, but this is too much for me. So what do I like to do when I’m stressed? Eat. duh. But I’ve been good, went to the store and got some fresh fruit and veggies to snack on. Also got some fixings for apple pie, I have three different places to be for Thanksgiving, so its my contribution. PS. It will take a few hours to do, so being busy will help my stress. Oh yea, my boyfriend is coming over and that will help the most.
Total Calories: 1,265

Thursday 11/27 Thanksgiving
No real comment. I was as good as I could be. I did not go for seconds, and I only ate “Thanksgiving dinner” at my sisters house. I did snack at the other two places I went, but kept it to veggies and fruit, except for our last location, I had a small slice of the apple pie I made. I never felt like I over did anything.
Total Calories: ???

Friday 11/28
Back to killing it!!! Started the day with an ass kicking, calorie burning workout. Spent the day cleaning the house that I house/dog sat for, and a long night at work. Committed to my goals!!!
Total Calories: 1,055
Total weight: l86Lbs

Aaron Guyett’s 6 Weeks to Ultimate Explosive Power, Strength, and Hot Body.

25 11 2008

This stemmed from an idea Corey Beasley had. “If we could show the clients and potential clients what can happen when someone focuses all of their efforts towards a clear goal, and make it real, maybe the people we care about will have an easier time doing the work.”

We all know there are obstacles, pitfalls, and life that happens on the way to our goals, and I will be sharing that as well. I run one of the most busy lifestyles I know. Very little sleep, a lot of social interaction, merging businesses, training clients, donation of time and money to the needy, and general help for friends. That being said, I know I have to make time to keep up with the latest and greatest on the single market. I not only want the physical edge, but the mental, emotional, and spiritual edge as well. Therefore, I work for it. Here is how it goes.

Week 1- November 16 – 22

Aaron out and ready for the 6 weeks to start!

Aaron out and ready for the 6 weeks to start!

The workout is a 6 day progression that I have never tried before. I start the week with Explosive Power (this is mostly form and nervous development), move into Pure Power (this is bio-chemical body enhancement through true physiological stress), and then I continue stress, overreaching/overtraining for a purpose through isolated muscular development. Everyday I work my full body, and the stress comes in twos. Monday and Tuesday-Explosive Power (Olympic lifts and plyometrics), Wednesday and Thursday-Purified Power (Basic Squat, Deadlifts, Bench, Pull-up, Lunges, etc.), Friday and Saturday-Isolated Antogonist (Bicep-Tricep, Quad-Ham, Back-Chest, Calves-Shoulders, Abs-Low Back/Butt) All of this is progressively overloaded.

Recovery is the most important aspect. Sleep when I can, eat as much as possible, and monitor weight and strength often.

After the week is over, I realize…I need more sleep, I need to eat more, and I should drink less coffee.

Week 2-

Posing is stupid!

Posing is stupid!

The above lighting is crappy, not a true pic.

I need more food! Sleep is way better. This week is crazy hectic! I am training 90 clients. I am training Jesse Sadoff’s clients, and Michael Foster’s clients while they are on vacation. Overall great week! I ate everything I could on Thanksgiving Day, and gained a couple of useful pounds. I haven’t been keeping up with the calorie intake, so I am weighing in at 205 solid. I am working for 210 solid and a power clean of 315 pounds. My sleep is very consistent and helping me with my soreness, which is out of control. Looking forward to killing it in business and the gym next week. Only 4 more left until the beginning of a New Year!

Week 3- November 30 – December 6
My week started with not enough eating and no working out; however on Tuesday eating went as it should (about 3000 calories), but my scheduled got a bit tweaked and the workout fell to the wayside. I really wanted that workout too! Wednesday I will kill it. Explosive start and Power finish! Picture time Wednesday as well!

Dang! Sarah ran me through a pretty good workout! I don’t think she realizes how far I can be pushed; however, I will be very sore tomorrow! Thank you, Sarah. Here is the pic. My weight is 206 and I haven’t maxed my Power clean yet. 3 more weeks!

Lighting is better, but overhead lighting makes me look huge!

Lighting is better, but overhead lighting makes me look huge!

Best Personal Trainer in Orange County Can Help With Your Marathon

25 11 2008

Aaron, I need your advice…I am increasing in my milage like a crazy women, but I feel good about it and I am doing great…except one thing…my long run today was 20mi =) in 3hrs, it was a great run except, my legs were giving up on me…I had enough energy to keep going but once I slowed down it was like, holy crap this freaking hurts, I will tell you though the pain was in my quads and hip flexors…is there anything I can do in my training to strengthen my legs…I feel like I am doing great runs thruout the week…maybe more sprints? or try to incorporate more strength training…if that is the case, then what can I do? I appreciate your help! Oh and the count down begins…4 weeks till the big day…26.2!!!

P.S. I hope you are doing great!


Here is a little help from the best personal trainers in Orange County!

This has little to do with muscular strength and almost everything to do with stamina. There are three components to your stamina. The first is muscular development, the second is energy conversion, and the last is mental ability.

Let’s talk about the most important in any competition first, mental ability. Your mental ability to continue when it is painful and finish what you have started. The continue when you are in pain will come from deep within–maybe even a spiritual level. The finishing what you have started may be helped by visualizing the whole race and specifically the finish line. Keep watching yourself cross that finish line in a happy, winning state of mind.

Now for the first part, muscular development. You should now have a plethora of Type 1 muscle fibers. These red, oxygen fueled, muscle fibers are smaller and become less fatigued, while working for longer periods of time, because they are fueled by oxygen instead of your other muscle fibers which are Type 2a and b, which are non-oxygen utilizing muscle fibers. My suggestion would be to spend less time in the gym and more time on the road to create less use of your anaerobic muscles and more use of your aerobic muscle fibers. You may only spend one or two 30 min sessions in the gym, just to work speed and technique and still be able to perform huge on race day. The closer to race day the more you want to train for a race not a body-building show. ( make sense?)

The last part we will go over is your energy conversion. There are three issues here: lactate threshold, oxygen assimilation, and glucose usage (catabolism and anabolism). The lactate threshold can be trained through hill repeats until you think your legs are going to fall off and then continue to eek out a couple more, training your mind, body and spirit to adapt to the chaotic stress through its physiology, biochemistry, mental capacity and spirit. The oxygen assimilation is done through progressive overload and breathing techniques while you run and when you visualize your run (meditation). The glucose usage may be your biggest barrier, because of the distances and times you are running. Anything longer than an hour and a half is sure to bring about a catabolic state (this is where your body feeds off of its muscles, fat, and stuff because there are no glucose or glycogen reserves left). My recommendation would be to consume something with sugars, electrolytes, and water every 30 min. Something I have used in the past is Accelerade. I have also used goo, cliff bars, and powerade. One time I was hard up and cramping so I went to a corner store and put salt, sugar packets and water into my bottle and kept making it and drinking it until I was good again.

I hope this helps! 🙂

Love, Happiness, and Abundance,
Aaron Guyett

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Aaron Guyett at a Race in Bridgeport

Aaron Guyett at a Race in Bridgeport

Join the Movement Revolution!

25 11 2008

Stand up and fight back!

Join me in the movement revolution…we are strong and we move all day every day. We win because we are the confident, courageous, unstoppable, healthy, and well!

I am talking about no more illness, crippled, obese, overweight, or sedentary humans. We were not here to be stagnant, rotting, sorry beings. We are here to MOVE!

Join me in the movement revolution. We will take a stand by being the example to all of those who are just merely desiring loss of fat, six packs, improved performance, reduced stress, hot looks, and sexy asses! We will overcome! We will be the action needed to manifest our success!

For more information call 714-469-9338 and say you are here to join the movement revolution!

Join the Movement Revolution!

Join the Movement Revolution!